
-ANNOUNCEMENTS page added. Updates and other announcements related to MORTIGRAD will be here instead of being exclusively on the Pleroma page, though that account will still be relevant.


-Multiple updates the the UI and some new religious texts have been added.


-Radio MORTIGRAD has been created. The station plays music 24/7 and will be continually updated.


-A donations page has been added. Donations in XMR can be made there.


-Issue 06 has been released. Volume Two will require readers to find words in each new issue to form a sentence unique to each issue. These sentences will then be combined to form the overall answer of Volume Two.

-The MORTIGRAD Cipher Bible has been added to the homepage. It will be updated with more cipher languages in the future, but for now it contains a guide for solving the types of ciphers in Volume Two.


-The old religious texts page is now split into both religious and non religious books/writings


-Issue 07 has been released, along with a new "printable flyers" section on the main page, and more radio tracks


-Github as been added to the socials section in the about page. The github includes a cipher decode/encode program for MORTIGTAD Standard v1